Friday, May 25, 2012

A Moment of clarity

As I get older I realize it takes less and less to make me happy.  As long as my children are happy and healthy, I have a roof over my head, food in my families bellies, what more could I ask for?  We take things for granted so much that we don't realize that it can all be gone in the blink of an eye.  Now when I say "We" please know that I more than include myself in that.  My family-not the family that lives in my house but close family none the less- is currently dealing with 2 members having major illness.  These 2 happen to be brothers, which happen to be my uncles.  Seeing and hearing all that they are going through makes you step back and go, "I really complain about a bunch of useless mess" .

As I watched my children playing baseball last night the thought hit me, that I truly have a blessed life.  What more could a lady need, a husband that loves her and her family more than words can say, two beautiful, wild, wide open little boys, extended family that is just a phone call away and true friends, not just acquaintances that are there any time day or night, through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the funny. 

While I have my struggles and stresses I know that in the great scheme of it all, its all gonna be alright.

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