Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Schedule changes

We are in the midst of some changes at the PD Hubs works at.  Our chief is retiring so that means a new chief and a new schedule.  Our schedule is currently a 2 on-2 off 3-on 2-off 3-on schedule.  Meaning if he works Monday/Tuesday he is off Wednesday/Thursday and works the weekend, then the next week is the opposite.  This proves handy for us having kids in school that are still too young to come home by themselves.  He picks them up the days he is off and the days he works a very dear friend of ours that works at the school takes them home with her.  Hubs normal hours were noon to midnight.

As you can imagine I was either awake or woken up when he came home on that schedule.  Well starting today he will be working a schedule that is entirely new to us as a family.  He will be working Monday to Friday.  Yep that's right, we finally get to have a few normal weekends.  He will be working a rotation in the week that will have him home every night before bedtime, and will have him getting off other days in time to pick the kids up from school. 

This is going to be a huge adjustment for me as a wife.  I am thrilled to get to have some sort of normal life, but in the 9 years we have been married we have never both worked Monday to Friday.  The kids and I were adjusted to the workings of every other weekend, and holidays, birthdays and the like being celebrated on days adjusted around his schedule.  That was life we managed.  Now we get to be somewhat normal. 

This is going to be an even bigger adjustment to Hubs who is a night owl.  He functions best between the hours of sundown to sun up.  Hopefully he will be able to wear himself out enough on the days he gets off early to make him tired.  I feel sure he will once the days are getting longer and more can be done outside.

So maybe the changes ahead for us will be great and we will adjust well.  I can say I am pretty excited about him being there in the mornings to help get the kids out the door.  The kids may not be so excited about dad being up when they are being hard headed.  :) 


  1. It sounds like our husbands are on similiar (if not the same schedule), he works 5:30pm-5:30am rotating the same way. It's been like this almost ever since I've met him, started dating and got I've adjusted to it. There are plenty of pros & cons that come along with it, but I ALWAYS get nervous when he talks about his schedule potentially changing in the future...I'm learning that I'm a creature of habit. I like routine, I like being able to map our schedules for the week, the month, the year lol. Strange to think of the things we adjust to and consider "normal" as LEO wives.

  2. Amanda, I have learned "normal" is a realtive term. I am very much a creature of habit. I like my routine, I do not like change, and I am good with that. Thankfully the schedule is working out nicely so far. The kids are loving their daddy being home every night, and we manage to eat supper together every night to. Thankfully he has adjusted to being home earlier, and having to go to bed at a decent hour. That is something I am thrilled with, cause it means I am finally getting some decent nights sleeps. After 9 years of odd rotations, working 2 weeks day/2 weeks night, then changing to every rotation changes and working every other weekend, I am loving this.
