Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Can I just say it sucks???

I am well aware of what I should expect being an LEO wife, but let me just say that this new schedule sucks.  I know I shouldn't complain, I know beyond anything else I am lucky that my LEO is not a statistic, and I know that we will eventually get used to it again.  Until then, I will think it sucks.

The transition is a bit much for us, and by us I mean the who family.  Even the dog is thrown for a loop.  The kids can't seem to keep up with who picks them up from school on what day even though that part hasn't changed.  It is just the sum of the whole getting to us.

I am sure in a few days we will all be fine, but until then, and until my sleep gets back on track, I want a nap, and I want my hubby home when I take it (none of which will happen).

That is my rant, I won't (well will try not to) do it again.  I feel better now, but I still want my nap.


  1. My husband is a police officer. I just wanted to know how you get through the days when you feel like you haven't seen your husband at all except for about an hour (e.g., dinner time). For whatever reason, I'm having a hard time this month. His schedule has been the same for the last two years, but he's always so tired or sleeping. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

  2. You are not alone, I think all of us go through times where it is just harder to deal with then others. There have been times that the only way I know I have a husband is by the dirty laundry in the bathroom. Those are the times that I think test you more than others. Our schedules are total opposites, but you figure out little ways to squeeze in some time as best you can. It may be pulling in a parking lot he is parked in and just visiting for a few minutes, or meeting for dinner one night while he is working. The big key though is to tell him that you miss him and that you need some time. I truly hope it gets better for you soon. This life style is hard, and those times make it miserable. I hope that helps a little. Just know most of all your not alone.
