Monday, November 5, 2012

You know your married to an LEO when...

I am realizing more and more there are certain things that are sure fire signs that you are married to a cop, that only other officer's spouses will understand.  There are a few things that LEO kid's understand more than anyone.

1) There are some stains you just don't question.  Given the line of work they are in, there really is no telling what exactly it will be.  It is better just to have a good multi-purpose stain remover and go on. 
2) When they say I'll be home by ... you know full well to add at least an hour to it.  Giving a time that they will be home is a sure fire way to get a call 5 minutes before shift change. 
3)You don't make plans the days they are working...see number 2 for explanation.
4) Date nights become family date nights, just because the kids go as long without seeing Daddy as you do.
5) Being hung up on while trying to talk on the phone doesn't mean their mad, it means they just got busy really quick.
6) Unanswered telephone calls returned 3 hours later aren't because they are being rude/or are doing something they shouldn't.  They don't like having to answer the phone mid arrest.
7) Birthdays and anniversaries and holidays are often not spent together or have to be celebrated on different days.  Life is planned around the schedule, the schedule isn't planned around life.
8)Telephone calls in the middle of the night may be the only time they get to call back.
9) Hearing I love you as they run out the door means so much more.
10) You learn that quality time is so much more important than quantity time

Some things that kids know

1) Dad is most likely gonna miss baseball games/award programs and school plays but they would much rather be there
2) If you are out and about and get in trouble...Dad will find out there is no hiding it.
3) You will be the kid in class with the cool click it or ticket pencils.
4) People think its cute when they ask you your dad's phone number and you say 911(especially when your little)
5)Time with Dad means a whole lot more because he's not always there.

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